19 Things That Were Cool As An Emo Teen But Definitely Aren't Cool Now
I'm not o-fucking-kay.
1. Wearing one of these studded belts.
2. Wearing multiple studded belts at once.
3. And owning giant belt buckles.
4. Writing band names all over your Converse.
5. Using band posters as a form of wallpaper.
6. Wearing red eyeliner.
7. Having a fringe that completely covered one of your eyes.
8. And getting through a can of hairspray a week.
9. Taking your selfies from a super high-up angle.
10. Wearing fingerless gloves. All the time.
11. Wearing one of these everywhere.
12. Wearing a tie with your casual clothes.
13. And these arm-warmers.
14. Saying "rawr".
15. Buying band shirts to cut up.
16. Subsisting purely on energy drinks because it seemed like a pretty wild thing to do.
17. Writing the name of your favourite musician on your hand.
18. Adorning your school blazer with safety pins.
19. And of course, hanging out in the park and blasting music on your Sony Ericsson.
Though some things from your emo phase will never stop being cool. Like the actual music.
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Cool Emo Things To Draw
Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jasminnahar/things-you-did-as-an-emo-teen-that-you-definitely-wouldnt
Posted by: charettebegather1962.blogspot.com
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